Our Mission

We strive to empower and support women as they transition back into the workforce, fostering a community of growth, resilience, and opportunity.

Why Act 2?

Our goal is to take career returners and transformers like you from the sidelines of your own life and get you back in the game.

The Act 2 Project’s mission is to empower everyone to fulfil their potential by bridging the gap between their career intentions and reality.

Why you?

A career break is not a career end: you are not starting from scratch – you are starting from experience. Act 2 is designed to support and encourage like-minded career returners and transformers to unleash their potential and re-establish meaningful careers with innovative organisations who need their skills – now.

The initiative aims to help individuals discover their transferable skills and talents, refresh technical proficiencies, and cultivate the confidence to re-enter the professional arena. Regardless of where you are in your journey, you are not alone; over 93% of people on a career break feel apprehensive about returning.

Why now?

There is an extraordinary talent pool of extensively experienced and expensively educated people who remain stuck behind kitchen benches, pick-up lines or unsatisfying jobs frustrated that “I want to do something… but I don’t know what…” Or “I want to do something but I don’t know how”.

The undeniable business case for diverse experience in organisations is being recognised throughout Australia. The corporate world is awakening to the extraordinary benefits of returners, acknowledging the economic value even in skills acquired during caring roles (multitasking and resilience, anyone?!).

At the same time employers in Australia are also suffering from historically tight labour market. There is a “war for talent”; with organisations desperately seeking innovative ways to attract and retain new people.

These forward-thinking organisations want access to this new talent pool – and The Act 2 Project will match you with them.

Enter: The Act 2 Project.

Whether you are planning a career break, preparing to return, or ready to relaunch, the timing has never been better: your skills are in demand NOW.

The Act 2 Project will tackle the tough discussions for you, exclusively collaborating with employers who appreciate and value the skills gained and retained – not lost - during career breaks.

Are you ready for your second act?

No big decisions, no pressure. Just start